Hello world

Not sure what to say as it’s my first blog ever, So I thought I’ll start with the basic:

"Hello world"


A software engineer at Forter,
Psychology and CS  graduate (TAU)
and married to a beautiful wife called Adi.
I’m starting the blog because I want a place to write about things:
new things I’m learning, cool things I find, and things that interest me.
I hope it will give me better understanding of what I learn,
as teaching someone else is the best way to learn.

First goal

As the blog starting project, I’ll start with learning/writing Machine Learning – Stanford University | Coursera.
My goal is doing the course while adding some nice python and real world data twist into it.

Later on

Maybe some posts about real-time processing ( the main thing I do at work), I want to write some post about Flink Vs Storm Vs heron Vs spark streaming.
Maybe I’ll continue with more Data-science stuff (not sure if I’ll like the course).
and maybe just a post explaining why pandas are the best. who knows?

Hope all of us will enjoy the blog 🙂



